If God made everything, who made him? Understand the biblical perspective.
What does it mean for God to be three-in-one? Dive into the mystery of the Trinity.
Explore why the Trinity is central to Christian faith.
Why doesn't God reveal himself visibly? Discover the reasons behind his hiddenness.
What’s God’s purpose in creating humanity? Discover why we exist.
What sets humans apart from animals? Explore our unique identity.
Were Adam & Eve actual historical people or just mythological figures?
What is the biblical account of human creation? Find out here.
Is there truth in all religions, or is there one true path?
Why did God choose Israel, and is that unfair?
Explore the reasons behind the animosity toward Israel.
Discover the historical evidence for Jesus beyond scripture.
Find out who Jesus is and why he matters.
Understand the profound reason behind Jesus’ sacrifice.
Unpack the reasons behind Jesus’ death on the cross.
Discover why Jesus’ resurrection is essential to the Christian faith
Doesn’t science rule out people coming back from the dead?
Is belief enough, or is there more to following Jesus?
Is the Bible trustworthy? Discover why Christians believe it is.
Explore the authorship behind the Bible’s books.
Listing of videos from all the available series.